Insurance policy or certificate in favour of banco de valladolid for110 percent of invoice value covering the following risk's all risks and war risks as per peope's insurance company of china. insurancepolicy或证书支持bancodevalladolid为110%的发票价值包含的下列各项危险的所有危险和战争依照磁器的peope's保险公司的危险。
The insurer shall issue to the insured an insurance policy or other certificate of insurance in time, and the contents of the contract shall be contained therein. 保险人应当及时向被保险人签发保险单或者其他保险单证,并在保险单或者其他保险单证中载明当事人双方约定的合同内容。
Here is the insurance certificate from Chinese Yachting Association. 这里是由中国帆船帆板运动协会开具的保险证明。
Credit Standing Certificate and Enterprise's Insurance Certificate issued by the financial institution in the country; 所在国金融机构出具的资信证明和企业保险证明;
It is the usual practice to make specific mention in the insurance policy or certificate that the risk of breakage be include. 按照惯例,要在保险单或保险凭证上特别注明破碎险包括在内。
We made out an insurance certificate covering WPA, An insurance company will insure your house against fire. 我公司承保了水渍险,保险公司愿为你的房屋保火险。
You will need your driving licence and car insurance certificate. 你需要有驾驶执照和汽车保险证书。
The period of insurance is stated in the insurance certificate. 本保险契约之保险期间,依保险证之记载为准。
Certificate of Quality in duplicate, packing List in duplicate, insurance Certificate in duplicate 品质证明书一式二份,装箱单一式二份,保险凭证一式二份
If a Credit specifically calls for an insurance certificate or a declaration under an open cover, banks will accept, in lieu thereof, an insurance policy. 虽然信用证特别要求预保单项下保险证明或保险声明,银行仍可接受保险单以取代前述保险证明和保险声明。
Passport and its copy, admission notice, JW202 visa form, photos, accidental insurance certificate and tuition fee in cash. 本人护照及复印件、入学通知书、JW202签证表、照片、保险证明和学费。
The insurer may refuse to issue the insurance policy or other insurance certificate before the premium is paid by the insured. 被保险人支付保险费前,保险人可以拒绝签发保险单证。
Er, five copies of the Commercial Invoice, a Consular Invoice, plus the Insurance Certificate. 还有五份商务发票,一份领事发票,加上保险证明书。
Are 100% of workforce insured of injury, and authorized insurance certificate from local insurance bureau? 是否有100%的工人参加工伤保险?有当地社保局开出的“社保证明”吗?
Please Issue a marine Insurance policy and three copy as follow. Certificate of Quality in duplicate, packing List in duplicate, insurance Certificate in duplicate 请按下列要求签发一份海运保险单和三份保单副本。品质证明书一式二份,装箱单一式二份,保险凭证一式二份
Social Insurance Receipts, Name List, Social Insurance Local Policy or Qualified Certificate. 社会保险收据、参保人员花名册,当地参保要求文件,或合格证明文件等。
It's the underwriter who quotes a rate for the shipment and issues the Insurance Certificate. 由该经营保险业者报出托运货物的保险费,并开出保险证明书。
Do you have your driver's license and insurance certificate? 你有驾驶执照和保险凭证吗?
Original policy or insurance certificate and the original commercial invoice. 保险单或保险凭证(大、小保单)原件以及商业发票原件。
Insurance policy or certificate in negotiable form for at least 170 percent of commercial invoice value, endorsed in blank covering all risk including war risks. 可议付的保险单据,至少以商业发票金额的170%计,空白背书,承保一切险,含战争险。
Together with the draft, we'll also send you a complete set of bill of lading, an invoice, and export license, and insurance policy, a certificate of origin and a certificate of inspection. 我们还将寄给贵方一整套提单、发票、出口许可证、保险单、产地证书和检验证书。
Should there be any amendments to the insurance contract, then the insurer shall endorse the original policy or any other insurance certificate, or issue an endorsement slip attached to the insurance contract or insurance certificate, or have a written agreement of amendment with the applicant. 变更保险合同的,应当由保险人在原保险单或者其他保险凭证上批注或者附贴批单,或者由投保人和保险人订立变更的书面协议。
Insurance policy or certificate in assignable form and blank endorsed, covering all risks, for110 percent of cif-value, marked-premium agent in Germany responsible for survey and claim settlement. 以可转让形式的保单或其证明,空白背书,投一切险,以cif价值的110%投保,注明由德国的保险代理进行调查及索赔。
Insurance Policy or Certificate In two negotiable forms indicating "Original" and "Duplicate" Plus one Non-Negotiable Copy endorsed in Blank. 信用证要求两份可转让保单,并注明正本和复本,和一份不可转让复本,空白背书。
An export licence, an insurance policy, a certificate of origin and a certificate of inspection. 出口许可证、保险单、产地证书和检验证书。
Take above all good insurance policy, latest issue of the diagnostic certificate that makes the hospital that ID of cost receipt, insurant, insurance company approbates issue and inspection report, application shifts to an earlier date to pay. 首先带好保险单、最近一期交费收据、被保险人身份证、保险公司认可的医院出具的诊断证实书及检查报告,申请提前给付。
An insurance certificate has the same effect as an insurance policy. 保险凭证与保险单具有同样的效力。
The inviter's passport, Visa, student card of University of Calgary, social insurance card, employment certificate, admission letter. 邀请人的护照,签证,学生卡,社保卡,雇佣证明,录取信复印件等一系列材料16。